Freitag, 23. November 2012

Terrain Forest 15mm

My first terrain piece I made. Yesterday I did the final work with static grasses and flock, some dry brushing and finish. Maybe I will do a tutorial on this easy way of building nice looking forests and woods.

A few closer looks:
the single parts separated

 one single stand of trees

Montag, 5. November 2012

Freebooters Fate Malo Gordab

WUAHAAAA!!! All on Deck! Captains on the bridge.

Sonntag, 4. November 2012

beginning of a Freebooters Fate Crew

After several month of waiting on the desktop. Half painted. I finished the first models for a Freebooter Fate crew. The rim of the bases will be done when all models are finished. Goblin Pirate starter crew.
Here we have:
Goblin Velero

Goblin Mariner
