Freitag, 30. September 2011

NMM - non metal metallics gold

I am so happy and exited this worked very well. Tried some nmm gold on a Assault Space Marine of the Blood Angels Veterans. There are some important key-points to gain the rightful result. The right color palette and a lot of patient on the work. Never hesitate. Take your time. He is not done jet. But for the gold its finished.

Some detail on the shoulder pad.

If someone has questions just leave a comment.

WiP Gunmages

Time to show some of the close to finish Arcane Gunmages. Four of them are completely painted just the bases need the final touch. This comes when all 6 mages are ready for basing.

Miniatures were primed black. The cloaks are Prussian-blue from Vallejo and highlighted whit French Mirage blue. Just for those who want to know this for own purpose.

If someone has questions just leave a comment.

Sonntag, 4. September 2011

Lancer light Warjack old

The last warjack from the old Cygnar starter box is finished.

Donnerstag, 1. September 2011

other preparations

Some of other prepared miniatures for the cygnarian army.

Ironclad heavy Warjack old

One more for Strykers Battlegroup. Its the old Ironclad. This model is very heavy.